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বাংলাদেশ রেড ক্রিসেন্ট সোসাইটিতে বিভিন্ন পদে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি


বাংলাদেশ রেড ক্রিসেন্ট সোসাইটিতে বিভিন্ন পদে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি- ৩০/০৬

Deadline: 30 Jun 2022

 Vacancy Announcement


BDRCS and IFRC, under PMO, implements "Strengthening Community Resilience Project
funded by ISDB, for the displaced and host communities in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh". The
interventions include Health, Shelter, WASH, and Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI).
A newly constructed Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC) under Ukhiya Health Sub-Centre, Balukhali (PHCC) is ready for operation. The PHCC is equipped and has a dedicated ambulance services for patient transport and referral. This facility aims at providing better mother and child health services and strengthening the resilience of host and displaced communities in Cox's Bazar.
Through a tripartite MOU signed between BDRCS, IFRC and Director General of Health
Services (DGHS) Bangladesh, all parties have worked jointly ensuring the PHCC functions
as a referral center with added value in health services for the displaced people from Rakhine and host communities.

 The referral center cum PHCC will establish two-way referral to/from the Ukhiya Upazila. Under the technical and management oversight of the DGHS, and various line departments, the PHCC will coordinate with the MOHFW coordination center that is responsible for all health services and implement health activities in line with essential service package for FDMN defined as (ESP) and epidemic outbreak control in Cox's Bazar. 

The project led by BDRCS with support of IFRC collaborates with the DGHS to establish and operationalize Referral Center cum PHCC,
and latter this becomes integral part of MOHFW's public health system corresponding to other health care facilities at the Union level.

Job title: Office Shohayak

Duration of contract: 1 year (Possibility of extension)

Organizational/ Unit/Department: PMO, BDRCS/ Primary Health Care Centre.
Service status: PMO, BDRCS

Salary Range: 20,000.00

Number of Post: 2

Reporting line: Residential Medical Officer (RMO)

Age Limit: 35 years (may be relaxed in case of outstanding


Duty station: Balukhali, Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar

Educational Requirements:

• Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)

Experience Requirements:

1 year of experience.
• Local people will get priority.

Job Responsibilities:

Prepare Coffee & Tea for clinical staff & visitors.
Organize and control kitchen and office materials consumption.
Monitoring the use of equipment and supplies within the facility.
To transfer files/documents from one place to another as directed.
 Perform work-related errands as requested such as going to the bank.
Scan & copy documents.
Will conduct any other tasks assigned by the supervisor.

Additional Requirements:

Ability to work harmoniously within a team and under stress
• Must be self-motivated, organized, hardworking, and flexible regarding work hour
• Perform any other work-related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by
the line manager.
• Adhere to the 7 fundamental principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.
• Act at all times in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
• Able to work in a team and respects opinions of others.


If you think you are competent enough for the position, please submit your application with complete resume through online system on or before 5:00 pm, 30/06/2022.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified
BDRCS is an equal opportunity employer.


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